Who can apply

The main philosophy of Shanly Foundation is to help local good causes. It welcomes applicants that are helping to improve the welfare and quality of life of those that are disadvantaged within the community. We also support many local community events and festivals, scouts and girl guides, local schools and sports and social clubs. Listed below are examples of the type of application the Foundation is happy to receive:

  • Registered charities, particularly those that assist the physically and mentally disabled. 
  • The elderly and other members of the local communities that may be disadvantaged through no fault of their own.
  • Organisations that help rehabilitate citizens back into local communities.
  • Local sports and social clubs
  • Local Rotary and similar community organisations
  • Local scouting and guiding groups
  • Outdoor activity centres for young people
  • Woodland and environmental conservation organisations
  • Social and community events; festivals; exhibitions; displays; fetes; galas and concerts that help raise funds to support local good causes.
  • Organisations working to counter homelessness. (New) 
  • Organisations working to develop Careers in the construction work sector. (New)


Awards Area

We focus our support in and around the areas shown on the map below. To check if your organisation is eligible to apply, please first use the post code checker here (include a picture of the new awards map area with post code checker function) along with the following suggested text. 

Occasionally we make awards to charities on the edge or outside of our designate awards area, this is not the norm, and they are made at the discretion of the trustees, and usually include organisations who are located outside our award area but can prove that a significant percentage of their beneficiaries come from within our awards area.

    1. We do not make international awards except for awards made in response to international disasters. If you are unsure if you are eligible, please contact us to check – info@shanlyfoundaiton.com
    2. We do make awards to Registered charities, CIC, CIO, s and other charitable organisations. 
    3. We do not make awards to individuals, for research. We also do not donate to *military charities, single faith charities or *animal welfare charities, 
    4. We cannot accept your application if your organisation has been in existence for less than 12 months Organisations that do not have a bank account. 
    5. We cannot accept applications if your organisation has received an award from us in the last 12 months.
    6. Reapplication – you can reapply to us 12 months after the date on your last award or rejection letter.

    Eligibility Checker

    If you comply with our eligibility requirements, you are now ready to make an application, to help you do so below you will find details of our application process, the legals, and hints and tips that will help.

     If you are still unsure or would like to speak to us before you make your application you can book to attend one of our monthly online “Meet the Funder” sessions, these are hosted on the last Tuesday of each month by Clare Junak-  Shanly Awards Officer, please send your request to info@shanlyfoundation.com  

    Fund are your applying for?

    General Applications – This fund is open to a wide range of applicants; it has no deadline submission dates or limited application windows. Applications can be made at any time of the year as the board of Trustees meet monthly to consider applications. Include a link to application form 1. 

    Targeted Applications – The Shanly Foundation is keen to increase its impact in, and to work more closely with, organisations working to eradicate homelessness, and those working to promote and develop the UK construction skills base.  The Action Against Homelessness, and Careers in Construction awards are restricted funding windows (see dates below) and are open ONLY to those working in these sectors, all other funding requests should be made through the general applications window which remains open for applications throughout the year. 

    Action Against Homelessness Funding window opens /closes …. to include a link to application from 2  

    Careers in Construction Funding window opens /closes …. to include a link to application from 2  

    The Shanly Foundation is interested to received applications from organisations working within these two sectors and is willing to consider awarding substantial (up to£150,000), Multiyear, Core and Unrestricted awards to organisations that apply and that we feel aligned well with Shanly Foundation interests.


    General Applications – open all year. 

    Targeted Fund Application window is closed, 2024 timings will be posted here on the  xxxxx 

    Applications should be made a minimum of 8 weeks before a decision is required. If your application is for an event or time sensitive you are advised to leave at least 10-12 weeks or more, lead time to avoid disappointment. We do not mind receiving request well in advance. 

    Themed Applications – Action Against Homelessness, and Careers in Construction – applications to these funds must be received within the funding window as advertised on this website. Applications received outside of the funding window will be rejected with out review. 

    • Applications submission – is confirmed in an email along with a unique application reference number. 
    • Once your application has been reviewed you will receive a confirmation email from the Awards Officer confirming a board date or next steps. At this point if required we may ask for additional information or clarification. 
    • The Trustees meet monthly to consider applications. 
    • You will be informed of the board’s decision, in writing within 10 days of the meeting date. 
    • Payment is normally made within two weeks of receiving your awards confirmation letter. 


    General Applications – This fund is open to a wide range of applicants; it has no deadline submission dates or limited application windows. Applications can be made at any time of the year as the board of Trustees meet monthly to consider applications. Include a link to application form 1. 

    Targeted Applications – The Shanly Foundation is keen to increase its impact in, and to work more closely with, organisations working to eradicate homelessness, and those working to promote and develop the UK construction skills base.  The Action Against Homelessness, and Careers in Construction awards are restricted funding windows (see dates below) and are open ONLY to those working in these sectors, all other funding requests should be made through the general applications window which remains open for applications throughout the year. 

    Action Against Homelessness Funding window opens /closes …. to include a link to application from 2  

    Careers in Construction Funding window opens /closes …. to include a link to application from 2  

    The Shanly Foundation is interested to received applications from organisations working within these two sectors and is willing to consider awarding substantial (up to£150,000), Multiyear, Core and Unrestricted awards to organisations that apply and that we feel aligned well with Shanly Foundation interests.


    General Applications – open all year. 

    Targeted Fund Application window is closed, 2024 timings will be posted here on the  xxxxx 

    Applications should be made a minimum of 8 weeks before a decision is required. If your application is for an event or time sensitive you are advised to leave at least 10-12 weeks or more, lead time to avoid disappointment. We do not mind receiving request well in advance. 

    Themed Applications – Action Against Homelessness, and Careers in Construction – applications to these funds must be received within the funding window as advertised on this website. Applications received outside of the funding window will be rejected with out review. 

    • Applications submission – is confirmed in an email along with a unique application reference number. 
    • Once your application has been reviewed you will receive a confirmation email from the Awards Officer confirming a board date or next steps. At this point if required we may ask for additional information or clarification. 
    • The Trustees meet monthly to consider applications. 
    • You will be informed of the board’s decision, in writing within 10 days of the meeting date. 
    • Payment is normally made within two weeks of receiving your awards confirmation letter. 

    Application Hints and Tips

    • Print off the application form questions -before your start, by clicking here (add link) or going to the application form page and clicking on the red text at the bottom right of the registration/log in box.  
    • When filling in the online form remember periodically to click Next or Exit (Autosave) if leaving your application form for any long period of time to avoid being timed out 
    • The use of bullet points throughout the application form are an acceptable and clear way to show key points.  
    • If your accounts do not tell the full picture, please feel free to attach a word document explaining any anomalies – this is recommended to save delays in the decision-making process. 
    • Please ensure your organisation name is in the title of all attached documents. 
    • State Schools applying for funding do not need to attach audited accounts (everyone else does) 
    • Please note where the form asks you to fill in the name of your bank account – this does not mean the name of your bank but does mean the name of your account
    • Management accounts are requested but are not mandatory to attach – we ask for these to help us understand your organisations current financial position. 
    • Bank statements – we only need to see the front page of one month’s bank statement, we use this to verify your details and to prevent fraud, your transactions can be redacted. 
    • Project plans for applications over £10,000 should show when and how the project /work will be delivered and the associated costs with each stage. 
    • File attachments – the maximum file you can attach is listed below, if you have a large document please reduce before attaching using a Zip file. 
    • D1 Annual report 15mb 
    • D2 Accounts 10mb 
    • D3 Cost break down 10mb 
    • D4 Bank statements 5mb 
    • D5 Project plan 10mb
    • H1 Monitoring report 10mb.
    • H2,3,4 Photographs 10 mb each 

    Awards Terms and Conditions

    1. The award is to be used specifically for the purposes given in the approved application. If you are unable to use the grant for the specific purpose for which it was intended, please contact the Foundation prior to spending any portion of the award.
    2. We understand that projects sometimes change as they develop. If any significant changes are likely to be made to the project’s scope or scale, before or during implementation, or if the project’s timetable is delayed, please inform the Foundation as it may affect the original basis of the award.
    3. For awards and/or pledges for projects that may take over one year, the Foundation would ordinarily require progress or update at the end of each year. We would also expect that accounts of how awards/pledges are expensed to be lodged.
    4. On completion of a project, any unspent portion of the grant should ordinarily be returned to us. If, once you have received the money, you envisage the timescales of your project changing, you must contact us to explain the situation and request approval for any extension to the terms of the grant.
    5. The Foundation may require repayment of a grant if you become insolvent or go into administration, receivership, or liquidation.
    6. Your organisation is not eligible to make a further application to the Foundation until at least twelve months have passed from the date of your grant offer letter. In some cases, the Foundation may extend this time frame, in which case the terms will be contained in your grant award letter.
    7. If your organisation does not meet the requirements set out in this document, the Foundation reserves the right to reclaim some, or all, of the grant at any time.

    PLEDGES In some instances, the Foundation may offer a grant to be paid when specific conditions have been met (for example when your organisation has raised a certain level of funds). In this instance you will receive a Pledge Letter which will outline what the conditions are. Pledge monies are reserved and available to draw down at any time within a two-year period from the date on your pledge offer letter, should you be unable to meet the terms stipulated in this letter within the two-year time frame, you should contact us to discuss what happens next. The Shanly Foundation reserve the right to withdraw pledge awards if not claimed with in a two yeartime frame.

    At the point you believe the conditions have been met, grants should be claimed in writing with relevant supporting evidence. Payment will only be made if the Foundation is satisfied that your organisation is in a position to be able to spend the money and the conditions have been met satisfactorily. 

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Foundation requests that the grant is acknowledged in an appropriate and timely way, though we appreciate that how this is done will depend on the nature of the organisation and the project.

    Monitoring and Evaluation 

    After receipt of an award from the SF you will be required to keep us informed of your progress against the parameters set out in original application form. We will invite you by email, shortly after the date you have stipulated your project/work will end, or after one year, whichever is sooner, to complete our monitoring and evaluation form by logging back into your online application account and completing a short questionnaire. You can upload supporting documents and photographs. 

    Please note our automated message inviting you to back to complete stage 2, the monitoring and evaluation part of your application will be sent to the email address provided by the person competing the application form. 


    You are now ready to make your application Link to application form/s depending on new funds.




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