The Honeypot Children’s Charity

We are proud to be supporting The Honeypot Children’s Charity – an organisation that, since 1996, has been improving the lives of young carers aged 5-12 years by providing respite breaks and on-going outreach support. They aim to give young carers a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provide a safe, nurturing environment where children at risk can develop their full potential.
Our donation will go towards support for 20 young carers living in Surrey; this includes a place each on a residential respite break, and two places each on digital workshops. This will offer the children some much needed time to play, enable them to make new friends  and free them of their usual caring commitments. On the respite break, children are allowed to choose from a wide range of activities such as swimming, riding bikes, baking, arts and crafts, beach trips and many more.

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