The School Shoes Fund by Sal’s Shoes

We are thrilled to be supporting Sal’s Shoes in their School Shoes Fund, an initiative that aims to buy school children in need in the UK a new pair of school shoes. Due to rising poverty, it is estimated 1.7 million kids attend school in badly fitting, unclean and incorrect clothing. Feet in shoes are protected from injury and infection and, in areas of low sanitation, the spread of infection.
Our donation will help towards the purchase of more pairs of school shoes at a discount rate, which can consequently be donated to children in need. Sal’s Shoes also provide new wellies for walking to school in wet weather and PE trainers, when funding allows. At the time of writing, Sal’s Shoes have donated more than 4 million pairs of shoes to children in need from 59 countries around the world.
If you have any second hand shoes, please consider donating them; more information can be found here:

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