We are proud to be supporting Orpheus, a charity that aims to equip young disabled people with the skills and confidence they need in order to live independent and fulfilling lives.
Orpheus uses the arts as a vehicle to promote learning and personal development. They teach a diverse curriculum that covers the arts, independence and employment skills as well as offering a range of qualifications. Students learn a variety of skills, from cooking and personal finances to accessing the community and managing personal support.
Orpheus works closely with their students to enable them to transition successfully from full time education into adult life. They support students to think about what kind of life they would like to have when they leave Orpheus and an important part of this process are work experience and transition programmes.
100% of students feel they are making good progress in their learning and 95% of the teaching and support is graded as good or above by Ofsted.
To donate to Orpheus and help them to continue their amazing support, please click here.